
  • Last updated: 2024-05-14 Biography Snowden, Jonathan. Shamrock: The World’s Most Dangerous Man. Comment: Before reading this book, I knew Shamrock had had a tough childhood, but this book helped me better understand some of the adversity Ken has been through in his life. The book also offers some well-considered reflections on the proto-MMA organization Pancrase,…

  • I started training Brazilian jiu-jitsu in the spring of 2010 at North Vancouver Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (NVBJJ). At the time, NVBJJ operated out of Genesis Athletic Club, and the two instructors were Jeff Meszaros and Marc Marins, both of whom are excellent teachers and worth seeking out.  NVBJJ had its last class at Genesis on June…

  • The short answer is: The long answer is: There are a number of good BJJ blogs out there, some of which I’ve followed in the past. And while I am indebted to those blogs in various ways, I wanted the title of my blog to reflect the fact I’m interested in self-defence-focused Gracie jiu-jitsu rather…